Ray Lewis
Ray Lewis
Ray Lewis, a life told with stories. 100s of images inside about his life! With 100s of hand drawn images I have managed to tell his whole life story. I learn all I could for about month, the research Ray as a player, a motivator, a father, a son, friend, and a man. From his historic playing career, to his personal likes suck as playing video games, this artwork has everything Ray Lewis. You will love this artwork, and also learn about him, and be taught by him...since many of his famous quotes are included within. Bring Ray Lewis into you home, and enjoy the passion of this superior man and player.
PS: I know I loose a few points on my Black-and-Gold Pittsburgh card for doing this. But it was one of my first commissioned piece of artworks, so it was hard to turn down. Yep, I actually wrote royalty checks to Ray Lewis for creation of this artwork. And that probably makes me loose even more points on my card.